Bethesda fallout 76 customer support
Bethesda fallout 76 customer support

Following the launch of Fallout 76, the company came under fire for releasing a buggy and unfinished game, it then caused an uproar with its. At this point, you kind of have to feel sorry for Bethesda. You can listen to it via Apple Podcasts or RSS, or just listen to this week's episode by hitting the play button below. Bethesda’s Fallout 76 Support Leaks Customer Addresses, Phone Numbers And Purchase Details. If you're a fan of video games, check out Transition, Gadgets 360's gaming podcast. From a buggy Fallout 76 beta to a disappointing game at launch that needs massive fixes and even its Power Armour Edition that shipped with nylon bags instead of canvas, everything that could go wrong with Fallout 76 has gone wrong, making us wonder how it could possibly get any worse. This is the latest incident in a long-running comedy of errors regarding Fallout 76.

bethesda fallout 76 customer support

#Bethesda fallout 76 customer support update

"I went on the support website today, to update a ticket of mine, and surprisingly (or not.) I ended up being able to see all sorts of tickets, with people putting their personal informations in them, like receipt screenshots, names, addresses and so on," claimed a user on the Bethesda forums. "I'm assuming this is a bug in the website, because I don't see for what reason Bethesda would make tickets public."įor its part, Bethesda acknowledged the issue, simply stating that it's been fixed. Fallout 76 - Bethesda technical support response says a good connection to the network is important as 'Fallout 76 is primarily an online based game' I only managed to get my character to level 8 before the game started crashing to the desktop. But now, Fallout 76 has a new problem, and it’s not with the game this time it’s with Bethesda Studios’ own customer support service. What was supposed to have private servers and an unlimited stash box, ultimately wasn’t what was promised. The post details that there are "eight pages of canvas bag requests, tickets, and 'fix or refund me' demands." The most recent issue that happened was the introduction to Fallout 1st. Your email and home address and the card you used to buy this extremely glitched game." "Mostly it's your receipts for you power armour set requesting a new bag.

bethesda fallout 76 customer support

"I am a gleeful vault dweller as yourselves and as of this moment I am receiving every single one of your support tickets on my Bethesda account," reads one post on Reddit. While this gross oversight from Bethesda has been rectified, it wasn't before Reddit was ablaze with claims of being shown details that should have been public. Login Customer Support All Products Bestsellers Fallout 76 Save up to 78 Available Platforms: Cant be activated in: United States Delivery: Instant Delivery Release Date: ApProduct type: Standard Edition. They were also granted the ability to open and close tickets for those who requested for refunds or exchanges of Fallout 76's much maligned Power Armour Edition.

bethesda fallout 76 customer support

This includes being able to view personal information such as e-mail addresses, home addresses, and credit card information. The loophole allowed some Fallout 76 customers to access parts of Bethesda's support system. Fallout 76 customer details have been leaked by Bethesda's tech support system.

Bethesda fallout 76 customer support